Atwill, E.R., Carabez, J., Moyne, A.-L., Harris, L.J., Oryang, D., Koike, S.T., Cahn, M.D., Anderson, M., Mokhtari, A., and Dennis, S. (2015). Transfer of Escherichia coli O157:H7 from Simulated Wildlife Scat onto Romaine Lettuce during Foliar Irrigation. Journal of Food Protection 78(2), 240-247 (doi:10.4315/0362-028X.JFP-14-277)
Anderson, M., Jaykus, L., Beaulieu, S., & Dennis, S. (2011). Pathogen-produce pair attribution risk ranking tool to prioritize fresh produce commodity and pathogen combinations for further evaluation (P3ARRT). Food Control, 22(12), 1865–1872 (doi:10.1016/j.foodcont.2011.04.028).
Anderson, M. E., & Sobsey, M. D. (2006). Detection and occurrence of antimicrobially resistant E. coli in groundwater on or near swine farms in eastern North Carolina. Water Science & Technology, 54(3), 211–218.
Technical Reports
Cates, S, Muth, M.K., Viator, C., Shumaker, E., Anderson, M., Jaykus, L.-A., & Chapman, B. Predictive Modeling and Cost-Benefit Analysis for a Possible Voluntary Revision of the SHI Label. Prepared for FSIS SHI Working Group, September 29, 2020.
Anderson, M. Sensitivity Analysis and Validation of NorOPTIMAL. Prepared for USDA-NIFA Virology Collaborative (NoroCORE), January, 2018.
Cadmus Group, Inc. Integrated Vector Management Programs for Malaria Vector Control (Version 2017). Programmatic Environmental Assessment. Prepared for USAID, January, 2017.
Mohktari, A., Hilscher, R., Anderson, M. Rineer, J. and Beaulieu, S. Further Enhancement of QPRAM for Evaluating Contamination of Leafy Greens with Pathogens. (March, 2014). Prepared for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Mohktari, A., Hilscher, R., Anderson, M. Rineer, J. and Beaulieu, S. Further Enhancement of QPRAM for Evaluating Contamination of Leafy Greens with Pathogens. (March, 2014). Prepared for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Anderson, M., Bronstein, K., Woodward, K, Baskir, J. and Beaulieu, S. (June, 2014). FSEHD Food Programs Gap Analysis: An Evaluation of Best Practices and Gaps in Support of an Integrated, Risk-Based Food Safety Management System. Prepared for the Qatar Supreme Council of Health.
Grieger, K. D., Tulloch, M. L., Anderson, M. E., Pierson, K. A., Redmon, J. H., Mokhtari, A. H., & Beaulieu, S. M. (2013, July). Development of a risk ranking tool for the determination of high risk foods among FDA-regulated products. Prepared for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Zhang, J., Bhatt, T., Newsome, R., Fisher, W., Grieger, K. D., Anderson, M. E., Mokhtari, A. H., Redmon, J. H., Woodward, K. P., Tulloch, M. L. and Beaulieu, S. M. (2013, July). Implement and evaluate the high risk foods (HRF) model: For recordkeeping and product tracing—Final report. Prepared for FDA.
Anderson, M.E. and Beaulieu, S.B. (2013, February). Expand iRISK Repository Using Data from Published Risk Assessments. Prepared for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Anderson, M.E., Jaykus L.-A., & Beaulieu S. (2012, March). Validation of the iRisk Web-based comparative risk assessment tool. Prepared for FDA-CFSAN.
Anderson, M. E., Mokhtari, A., & Dennis, S. B. (2011, April). iRank: Risk ranking and evaluation module for identification of high-risk hazard-commodity pairs. Prepared for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Project Number: 0211460.004.
Brandenmeyer, J. E., Anderson, M. E., Mokhtari, A., & Dennis, S.B. (2011, April). Food Safety Risk Information Management System (FS-RIMS) database. Prepared for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Project Number 0211460.004.
Anderson, M. E., Tulloch, M. L., Mokhtari, A., & Beaulieu, S. M. (2011, March). iRank: Risk ranking and evaluation module for identification of high-risk hazard-commodity pairs. Prepared for FDA-CFSAN.
Anderson, M. E., Tulloch, M. L., Mokhtari, A., Beaulieu, S. M., & Lutes, A. C. (2011, March). iRank: Risk ranking and evaluation module users' guide. Prepared for U.S. FDA, CFSAN.
Bowles, E. A., Brandmeyer, J. E., Mokhtari, A., Anderson, M. E., Beaulieu, S. M., & Lutes, A. C. (2011, March). iQuery: FS-RIMS query builder tool users' guide. Prepared for U.S. FDA, CFSAN.
Parks, A. B., Bowles, E. A., Mokhtari, A., Anderson, M. E., & Beaulieu, S. M. (2011, March). iEvaluate: Mitigation evaluation module. Prepared for FDA-CFSAN.
Parks, A. B., Bowles, E. A., Mokhtari, A., Anderson, M. E., Beaulieu, S. M., & Lutes, A. C. (2011, March). iEvaluate: Mitigation evaluation module users' guide. Prepared for U.S. FDA, CFSAN.
Anderson, M. E., Beaulieu, S. M., Jaykus, L. A., & Dennis, S. B. (2009, April). Fresh produce risk ranking tool summary: Identification of priority pathogen-commodity combinations for quantitative microbial risk assessment. Prepared for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Project Number: 0211460.001.002.
Presentations and Proceedings
Anderson, M., Mokhtari, A., Kelly, R., Swanson, S., Beaulieu, S., and Jaykus, L.-A. (2018, March). NorOPTIMAL Scenario Analyses. Presented at the USDA-NIFA Virology Collaborative (NoroCORE) meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Anderson, M., and Jaykus, L.-A. (2018, March). Sensitivity Analysis and Validation of NorOPTIMAL. Poster presentation at the USDA-NIFA Virology Collaborative (NoroCORE) meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Anderson, M., Mokhtari, A., Beaulieu, S., and Jaykus, L.-A. (2016, August). Data Development for a Predictive Risk Assessment Model Used to Evaluate Intervention Strategies that Reduce the Burden of Foodborne Disease Caused by Human Norovirus. Poster presentation at the International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO.
Mokhtari, A., Beaulieu, S. Anderson, M, and Jaykus, L-A. (2016, August). Transmission of Norovirus in Bioaerosols: An Exposure Modeling Approach. Presented at the International Association for Food Protection annual meeting, St. Louis, MO.
Beaulieu, S., Mokhtari, A., Anderson, M., Kelly, R., Houghteling, W., Swanson, S., Stockton, T., and Jaykus, L.A. (2016, August). Evaluating Intervention Strategies to Reduce the Burden of Foodborne Disease Caused by Human Norovirus: A Risk-based Approach Using a Long-term Care Facility as Proof of Concept. Presented at the International Association for Food Protection annual meeting, St. Louis, MO.
Jaykus, L., Anderson, M., Muth, M. K., Beaulieu, S. M., Mokhtari, A., Bowles, E. A., Newsome, R., & Oryang, D. (2010, December). Development of an information library to support comparative risk assessment using the iRisk model. Presented at Society for Risk Analysis annual meeting, Salt Lake City, UT.
Jaykus, L.A., Lowry, M.I., Beaulieu, S.M., Anderson, M.E., Dennis, S.B. & Oryang, D.O. (2009, December). Integrating sound science in the management of food safety risks: An evaluation of risk ranking and risk prioritization models and methodologies. Presented at Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting (SRA 2009), Baltimore, MD.
Anderson, M. E. (2009). Risk-ranking tool for prioritizing commodity and pathogen combinations for risk assessment of fresh produce. Poster presented at the International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting, Grapevine, TX.
Beaulieu, S. M., Jaykus, L., Anderson, M. E., & Dennis, S. W. (2008). Food safety risks along the farm-to-fork continuum. Paper presented at the Annual Society for Risk Analysis Conference, Boston, MA.
Anderson, M. E., & Sobsey, M. D. (2007). Detection of antimicrobially resistant E. coli and Nitrates in groundwater on or near swine farms in eastern North Carolina. Paper presented at the PoPMed Seminar, North Carolina State University, College of Veterinary Medicine, Raleigh, NC.
Anderson, M. E., & Sobsey, M. D. (2006). Antimicrobially resistant E. coli and Nitrates in groundwater on or near swine farms in eastern North Carolina. Paper presented at the University of North Carolina Drinking Water Symposium, Chapel Hill, NC.
Anderson, M. E., & Sobsey, M. D. (2005). Detection and occurrence of antimicrobially resistant E. coli in groundwater on or near swine farms in eastern North Carolina. Paper presented at the International Water Association Health-Related Water Microbiology Symposium, Swansea, Wales, United Kingdom.
Anderson, M. E., & Sobsey, M. D. (2002). Detection and occurrence of antibiotic-resistant enteric bacteria in groundwater around swine farms in eastern North Carolina. Poster presented at the General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Salt Lake City, UT.
Anderson, M. E., & Sobsey, M. D. (2002). Detection of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in groundwater in the vicinity of swine farms in eastern North Carolina. Poster presented at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s International Conference on Emerging and Infectious Diseases, Atlanta, GA.
Anderson, M. E., & Sobsey, M. D. (2001). Microbial contamination of public water supplies in eastern North Carolina after the 1999 hurricanes and floods. Poster presented at the Fifth International Conference on Diffuse Pollution and Watershed Management, International Water Association, Milwaukee, WI.
Anderson, M. E., Kase, J. A., & Sobsey, M. D. (2000, July). Inactivation of Cryptosporidium parvum and other waterborne microbes using mixed oxidants electrochemically generated from an individual use, miniature disinfection pen. Poster presented at the First Water Congress of the International Water Association, Paris, France.
Anderson, M. E., Kase, J. A., & Sobsey, M. D. (2000, May). Disinfection of microbes in water by mixed oxidants electrochemically generated at point-of-use from a miniature pen cell. Poster presented at the 100th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Los Angeles, CA.
Anderson, M. E., Kase, J. A., & Sobsey, M. D. (2000, May). Inactivation of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts and enteric viruses by electrochemically generated mixed oxidants. Poster presented at the 100th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Los Angeles, CA.